Geico Wiki

Vows is a commercial


  • Commercial First Aired: December 15, 2018
  • Commercial Last Aired: February 5, 2019

Voice Actors[]


(Scene: Wedding Chapel - The minister is holding a book, announcing their vows to Ernest Livingston and Rhianna Livingston.)

Minister: Do you, Ernest Livingston take Rhianna to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until you have anything you need from your insurance claim processing?

(Ernest holds up a large piece of paper. It is revealed to be an ACME Auto Insurance bill.j

Ernest: That's impossible! Dearly beloved the way I do!

VO: You can't take advantage of your access to your mobile app claim processing.

(The minister closes the book, Ernest plants a kiss on Rhianna.)

VO: With complete 24-hour service, GEICO gets you covered at costs at each week.

(Cut to: GEICO Logo)

(Text: or contract your local office)

VO: Until The Award Winning GEICO App, Download It Today.

