Geico Wiki


  • Commercial First Aired: September 22, 2019
  • Commercial Last Aired: March 30, 2020 (COVID-19 Pandemic)


VO: GEICO Presents: Oh boy, another voicemail from your roommate.

(phone beeps)

Roommate: Hey, I got some bad news. Someone broke into our apartment. They took your TV and your computer, but what's most upsetting is... (cries) They took my water bottle! (realizes) Oh wait, there it is. I was really worried for a second. (laughs) Oh they took your stereo too.

(phone beeps)

VO: The GEICO Insurance Agency could help keep your personal property protected, like if your roommate is only worried about her $2 aluminum water bottle. Visit to see how easy it is to switch and save on Renters Insurance.
