Cullen: Tune in on Monday, when we give equal time to the Democratic Party!
Cullen: Did you see the show last week? Contestant: Yes, and I'm glad it was a special because I didn't get a damn-er, darn one right!
(audience laughter)
Cullen: Cullen: And you didn't start off well tonight, either!
Cullen: When you bet on a team, it doesn't have to be for money.
(The first contestant, Paul Nordlund, saw the girls and this exchange took place)
Contestant: Holy cow, my wife is watching!
Cullen: Holy wife, my cow is watching!
Cullen: Junie dear, your hair is lovely tonight, would you turn around again-let's see the back of your hair (she does so)-beautiful.
(June looks down, noticing the tear, and covers it up with a shocked look on her face)
Cullen: To our wardrobe mistress here, I said "low cut", but don't overdo it! Junie, I'm sorry-don't catch cold!
Contestant: (to Bill) Does that take weight off you?
Cullen: Um, I don't know if it takes weight off me,, yeah, it takes weight off you.
Contestant: I think I'll freeze.
(audience laughter)
Cullen: He practiced all day doing that!
Cullen: And everyone here in the theater knew it but me! The contestants knew it, the audience knew it...and now I'd like to introduce Hugh Downs who will come out and finish the show!
Cullen: This outfit gives away thousands of dollars worth of prizes and they are the chintziest bunch with this game! You know, I've been trying to get one for-let me see...
(opens up the box and looks inside, then closes it back up again)
Cullen: ...I don't want it. Now, let me explain how the game is played — first of all, someone comes in here and takes my place.
Bob Barker: How would you like to be driving around in that [Chevrolet Vega] in your furcoat? Dragging your range behind you?!
Bob Barker: And you can get there in your new car-
Contestant: You can't drive to Acapulco, can you?!
Bob Barker: Sure you can! Just go out to the Pacific Ocean and turn left!
Contestant: (points to soy sauce) What is that?
Bob Barker: (over audience laughter) This is soy sauce. Soy sauce.
Contestant: I never use this.
Bob Barker: Trust me, it's great on the rocks.
Contestant: Is that [trip to London] by plane, or boat?
Bob Barker: By airplane.
Contestant: Is that just for me at one?
Bob Barker: Is it for one or two? Two.
Contestant: Oh, good. Bring my boyfriend.
Bob Barker: ..."Are the [six] clocks wound or unwound?" I know, I know...
Bob Barker: Now, Ruby Jean? You wanna play a pricing game, don't you?
Contestant: Yes! AAAIIIEEEHOOHOO! Barker: And you wanna play it right now, don't you?
Contestant: Yes! Yes! YES! OHHH!
Bob Barker: (pointing to Contestant's Row) Will you explain to them why you get to play and they don't?
Contestant: I'm up here.
(realizes her mistake, then shrieks in embarrassment before scampering for Contestant's Row)
Olsen: Patricia Bernard, come on down. You are the next contestant on The Price is Right.
Bob Barker: Just a moment.
Contestant: This moment ever.
Bob Barker: Patricia has gone to the little girl's room. A gentleman whom I assume is her husband has rushed out together, a page has gone after the gentleman, everyone in America is wondering how long can they wait for Patrica. Here it comes Patricia!
Bob Barker: Now you want to play a pricing game?
Contestant: I'd love to.
Bob Barker: Now, how am I going to explain it to these people down here [in Contestant's Row]?
Contestant: Well, they're young and they'll understand.
(Bob laughs)
Bob Barker: Wait a minute! ...I know you all truly love me, but you don't really love me this much, do you?
Olsen: Bob, they have given their ALL for you!
Bob Barker: Are you interested at all in my problems?
(camera shakes left and right as if to say "No.")
Bob Barker: That's a stupid mountain climber, that's all I have to say!
Bob Barker: I always hope in this game when we have these tickets as prizes that we'll get a sports fan. She turned around to me and she said "What do the Kings do?"
Bob Barker: Welcome to The Price Is Right — if it's good enough for you, Susan, it's good enough for me!
Contestant: I had a dream about you so I had to come down here.
Bob Barker: What were we doing in the dream?
Contestant: You were chasing me in the hayloft.
Bob Barker: But... I wanted to ask for another horn!
Contestant: I can't even balance my checkbook, what the hell am I gonna do with a computer?
Bob Barker: After you make a remark like that, what the hell are we gonna do with no computers on this show in the future?
Bob Barker: You know, you've ruined my show. You've ruined my game. This [reveal] would be exciting, but everybody knows the damn thing's not there! It's here, you win!
Bob Barker: I think I've been mugged.
Bob Barker: Have you ever seen anyone spin in reverse?
Contestant: I wanted to be different!
Contestant: Well, you were different. Now be normal.
Bob Barker: Do you know what she has done? I will be haunted with this for years to come — people'll come, they'll say "I wanna spin it backwards, then I'll get a dollar!"
Bob Barker: You know? I'm lucky to have survived this myself!
Bob Barker: Anybody got a surfboard?
Bob Barker: I hope you realize...that we are in the presence of a miracle!
Bob Barker: Roger, er, Rod?
Rod Roddy: Yes, Bob?
Bob Barker: Would you a glass of water?
Rod Roddy: [laughs]
Bob Barker: Or a glass of something?
Bob Barker: Brian, what kind of a show do you think this is?
Bob Barker: After he wound up losing, he intentionally fell down quickly just as the mountain climber dropped from the cliff.
Bob Barker: This young man has won a car, an oven, a shredder, and he's in the Showcase...and he has done nothing!
Bob Barker: "I can't believe it. I can't believe that happened. I can't believe it! I can't believe it..."
Bob Barker: We want a "Yes"!
(Bob hits the button with the contestant's guess on it, said price opens with a "No" accompanied by a buzzer, but the price next to it hiding "Yes" opens as well)
Bob Barker: Well, we got a "Yes"! (laughs)
Bob Barker: You keep that up and she's going to slug you.
Bob Barker: This is the most humiliating moment of my life.
Bob Barker: If we did this in a movie, people would scoff!
"Bob Barker reminding you to help control the pet population: have your pets spayed or neutered. Goodbye/Good night, everybody!"
Bob Barker (Mid-1980s–2007) ("Good night" is used only in Primetime shows)
"Now folks, I want to thank you very, very much for inviting me into your home for the last 50 years, I am deeply grateful. And please remember, help control the pet population: have your pets spayed or neutered. Goodbye, everybody!"
Bob Barker (on his last and final episode airing on June 15, 2007)
"This is Dennis James saying 'Don't miss the show next week or we'll miss you!' Bye-bye!" – Dennis James (1972–1977)
"This is Tom Kennedy saying we'll see you next time on The Nighttime Price is Right! Bye-bye everybody/for now!"
"Tomorrow/Next week/On (insert day), we have (insert Special Themed Weeks). (insert description about high stakes for Special Themed Weeks). Don't miss it. It's gonna be exciting."
Drew Carey (promoting the upcoming Special Themed Weeks on the next episode before signing off; 2007–present)
"Folks, thanks for letting us into your homes today. It really is a blessing."
"Don't forget to get your pets spayed or neutered. Help control the pet population. It's very important/It's the right thing to do. Thanks for watching The Price is Right. We’ll see you next time. Bye-bye(, everybody)!"
…[name of show] next over most of these CBS stations!"
…Search for Tomorrow one half-hour from now over most of these CBS stations!" - Johnny Olson
"(insert program) is next here on CBS." – Female/Male (announcer after a Million Dollar Spectacular or Primetime special show when the Fremantle Media logo is shown (2003–2008, 2016))
"This program was edited for broadcast!"
(on episodes that were edited for broadcast)
"The (insert number) on-stage/called down contestant was found to be ineligible, and will not receive their prizes."
Announcer (on episodes explaining the eligibility disclaimer)