The leader of the group of characters who become the "Super Readers", Whyatt is an olive-skinned, blue-eyed, brown-haired boy who wears a dark blue polo shirt with green stripes and khaki pants. In the episode "Jack and the Beanstalk", it is revealed that Whyatt's older brother is Jack, the hero of the English folktale Jack and the Beanstalk. Whyatt lives with his mother, who writes stories, and his father who illustrates them, along with baby sister Joy but not his brother. Jack appears in some episodes but generally is "away at college." When Whyatt introduces himself at the Book Club, he says, "Whyatt here!" His superhero form is Super Why. In this form, he has a green mask, turbo sneakers, a blue cape, green jumpsuit with blue accents with a blue book, blue leg-open shorts, red belt with a gold buckle, and a Why Writer as his item. His symbols are a blue book and a question mark and his signature colors are green, and blue. He has "the power to read", which focuses on vocabulary.