Geico Wiki

2002 geico commercial gekko and taco bell dog chihuahua

File:Geico Commercial with Gidget the Taco Bell Chihuahua

Spokesperson Auditions is the commercial where the GEICO Gecko is auditioning for GEICO. when a woman enters to call the GEICO Gecko, the Gecko meets the Gidget the Taco Bell Chihuahua who apparently is also running for audition.

Voice Actors[]


  • Commercial First Aired: June 18 2002
  • Commercial Last Aired: August 10 2004


(Scene: Auditions Waiting Room - We see a sign saying "GEICO Spokesperson Auditions".)

Man 1: GEICO has great service.

Man 2: GEICO has great service.

Man 3: Artful in for every sentence, that's right.

Woman: You're available twenty-four hours a day.

(The door saying "STUDIO D" opens revealing a woman with glasses. The GEICO Gecko crosses his arms, next to a man.)

Man 4: (to gecko) You have very commercial looks.

Woman 2: (offscreen) Next, please!

(The GEICO Gecko jumps off the chair, then starts walking to meet the Gidget the Taco Bell Chihuahua next to the woman.)

Gecko: (to chihuahua) Well, hello.

Gidget the Taco Bell Chihuahua: Oh, great. A talking gecko.

(Cut to: GEICO Direct/GEICO logo)

(Phone: 1-800-947-AUTO)


VO: GEICO. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.

15 Seconds Transcript[]

(Scene: Auditions Waiting Room - We see a sign saying "GEICO Spokesperson Auditions".)

Man 1: GEICO has great service.

Woman 2: Next, please!

(The GEICO Gecko jumps off the chair, then starts walking to meet the Gidget the Taco Bell Chihuahua next to the woman.)

Gecko: (to chihuahua) Well, hello.

Gidget the Taco Bell Chihuahua: Oh, great. A talking gecko.

(Cut to: GEICO Direct/GEICO logo)

(Phone: 1-800-947-AUTO)


VO: GEICO. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.

Back-to-Back Ads[]

  1. In back-to-back ad, the New Level ad after it.
  2. Another back-to-back ad, the Worked His Tail Off ad after it.

Back-to-Back Ads[]
