Geico Wiki

"Spelling Bee".flv

Spelling Bee is a commercial where a kid has trouble spelling "floccinaucinihilipilification" in one big word, where all the children spell in different words, the announcer tells the viewers "no hard words" because is easy too file claims and make changes or paying bills online.


  • Commercial First Aired: March 16, 2005
  • Commercial Last Aired: May 17, 2006


(Scene: Spelling Bee Conference)

Host: Next up is Number Three. Your word is "floccinaucinihilipilification".

Kid: F-L...

Kid 2: X...

Kid 3: C...

Kid 4: Kaela Freeman

Kid 5: I...

VO: No hard words.

Kid: Can you use it in a sentence please?

Host: Uh...

VO: That's why is so simple.

(Cut to: GEICO website)

VO: Or is it because you can file a claim, make changes or pay your bill online.

(Cut to: GEICO Logo)


(Phone: 1-800-947-AUTO)

(Text: or call the office near you)

VO: Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent on car insurance. Simple is that.
