Geico Wiki



  • Princess Pea was named after the children's story "The Princess and the Pea"; it is shown in the episode The Princess and The Pea that the princess in that story was Pea's mother and the prince in that story was her father. However, in this case, "Pea" is her surname. She is dark skinned with large green eyes and curly dark brown hair, wears a lavender princess dress and loves to dance. When she enters, she says, "Princess Pea at your service!" Her superhero form is Princess Presto and in this form, she wears a pink gown with lime green accents with a purple star in the middle, pink crown with jewels, pink gloves with green accents, pink sparkly transparent cape, and pink shoes. Her symbol is a star because she always takes her Magic Spelling Wand with her and her signature colors are purple and green. She has "spelling power" focuses on spelling.

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