Geico Wiki

Geico Cut Out The Middle Man Commercial (1997)

Middle Man Cut Out is a commercial while a middle man is cut out at ACME Insurance Headquarters during a GEICO ad.


  • Commercial First Aired: October 13, 2018
  • Commercial Last Aired: June 10, 2019

Voice Actors[]


(Scene: ACME Insurance Headquarters - A man is pacing back and forth, a woman hears the sound of a saw while she's working on a computer.)

VO: How can GEICO save you download on mobile app when you buy from this directly?

(A man falls down, puffs of smoke came by.)

VO: We cut out the middle man.

(Cut to: GEICO Logo)

(Text: or contract your local office)

VO: The Award Winning GEICO App, Download It Today.

