Excited is a commercial when the Gecko tells all his lizard mates about the members of National Geographic.
- Commercial first Aired: December 15, 2018
- Commercial last Aired: February 5, 2019
Voice Actors[]
(Scenes: Yard - a Gecko surrounded by six lizards,)
(Scene: Pond - a Gecko on a log talking to a tan lizard,)
(Scene: Forest a Gecko on a tree branch talking to a lizard,)
(Desert Area - The Gecko explains a spotted lizard,)
(Cut back to: Yard)
Gecko: So, I've been telling all my gecko mates about National Geographic. If you're a member of the National Geographic society or subscribing the magazine, you can save even more on GEICO car insurance. Well, my buddy friends are um... excited.
(Cut to: GEICO logo - one second after the Gecko.)
(Text: Vote for your Favorite: GEICO.com/bestof)
Gecko: For details, call or visit us at GEICO.com/NatGeo.