[The film begins at the Blue Mountain Quarry where Rheneas whistles as he puffs out of a tunnel]
It was a busy day on the Island of Sodor.
[Rusty pushes stone as Skarloey and Sir Handel passes with trains of stone]
At the Blue Mountain Quarry, the narrow gauge engines were working hard.
Merrick: Good morning, Rheneas.
Rheneas: Morning, Merrick. (whistles)
Merrick: Good morning, Peter Sam!
Peter Sam: (whistles) Good morning, Merrick!
Narrator: Owen (the Incline Engine) was waiting for Paxton the Diesel. Paxton was collecting heavy trucks of slate to take to Brendam Docks.
Paxton: [honks as he backs up to his trucks] Ready when you are, Owen.
Owen: Load me up, Rusty. Going down! Next stop, right at the bottom.
[He lowers his trucks to the bottom as Skarloey puffs by]
Paxton: Do you always work this hard at the Quarry, Skarloey?
Skarloey: Always. If your wheels aren't whirring, you aren't being a Really Useful Engine.
[He whistles as he puffs away]
Narrator: Paxton started to whir his wheels again.
[He started to move forward when…]
Peter Sam: Look out!
Paxton: Oh my!
[A block of stone lands next to him]
Narrator: Then he stopped.
Paxton: What was that, Peter Sam?
Narrator: High above in the Quarry, a giant keystone in Blondin Bridge had come loose.
Peter Sam: [sees this] Fenders and Fireboxes! Blondin Bridge is not safe!
Merrick: Oh, Rheneas is on his way down from the upper terrace. He'll have to cross the bridge with heavy cars.
Rusty: We must warn him! Sound the alarm!
[A loud siren sounds]
All the engines were suddenly still. All the engines were hushed. All the engines watched.
[Rheneas is puffing along when he hears the siren]
Rheneas heard the siren (Rheneas: Oh, no. There must be danger.), but he didn't know why the siren was sounding (Sir Handel: There he is!) until it was too late.
[He saw the trouble ahead as a workman tried to flag him down]
Workman: Stop! Stop!
Narrator: Rheneas tried to stop!
Workman: Blondin Bridge is falling down!
Narrator: But his heavy cars pushed him on (Rheneas: Whoa!) right onto the damaged bridge!
Rheneas: Whoa!
Rheneas pumped his pistons as never before! He had to puff across before the bridge collapsed!
[He makes it across just as the bridge collapses]
Rheneas was almost knocked off the rails!
Rheneas: Whoa!
[He bashes into a rock while and through some wood planks then roll down the hill and raced around a bend, almost fell of the tracks before coming to a stop]
Narrator: At last, Rheneas rolled to a stop right by Skarloey.
Rheneas: Oh! I'm alright. I made it down safely.
[He, Skarloey, Sir Handel, Rusty and Peter Sam laugh and cheer]
Skarloey, Sir Handel, Rusty and Peter Sam: Hurray!
Paxton: [is seen derailed by stones]
Uh, excuse me? Erm, I wonder if, uh, someone could help me? (stammering) Maybe? Please?
[The scene changes to leaves in a tree as the camera moves down to some railway tracks which Thomas chuffs over pulling Annie and Clarabel]
Narrator: On Thomas' branch line, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Thomas was having fun with Annie and Clarabel.
Thomas: (laughing) Hold on tight! (whistles)
Annie: Clattering carriages! Slow down, Thomas!
Clarabel: Slow down! Slow down! The signal is red!
Thomas: I always slow down when I come to a red signal.
Annie: Only because we told you to.
Clarabel: Only because we keep you on track.
Thomas: (laughs) You worry too much!
[Then a car horn is heard]
Narrator: Suddenly, Thomas, Annie and Clarabel heard the strangest sound!
Thomas: Cinders and Ashes! What's that?
[A car on rails appears with the Fat Controller on board]
Narrator: Around the bend came a small red car on the tracks. He was carrying the Fat Controller. Thomas was surprised!
The Fat Controller:
Winston! Please stop!
[He puts on the brakes and Winston stops]
Wait there a moment, Thomas! I need to talk to you.
[Everyone stares]
[He grunts loudly as Winston reverses very fast past Thomas and then went back to Thomas again] Good morning, Thomas! This is Winston! He is my new track inspection car!
[Winston honks]
Thomas: Good morning, Winston! Nice to meet you!
Winston: Nice to meet you, Thomas!
The Fat Controller: Thomas, I have a special job for you. Paxton has been in an accident at the Blue Mountain Quarry. I have arranged with the Thin Controller to send Thomas to work in his place. His job will be to take loaded slate cars to the docks.
Thomas: Thank you, sir! I like working with my narrow-gauge friends!
The Fat Controller: Toby will take over on your branch line. Oh! Before you go, you must deliver the rest of these passengers!
Thomas: Of course, sir!
[He cringes as Winston jolts a bit]
The Fat Controller:
Winston, we must hurry. Today is a busy day.
[He jolts on with Winston as Thomas watch]
Not to worry. It's early days yet. (chuckles)
Winston: That's right, sir. Early days.
Thomas: Of course, sir!
Winston: Bye, Thomas! (hoots)
Thomas: Goodbye, Winston! (laughs)
[Winston rolls off with the Fat Controller]
Narrator: Thomas liked Winston already. So did Annie and Clarabel.
Thomas: We have a new friend! (laughs)
Annie and Clarabel: We like Winston! (laughs)
[Everyone laughs as they set off]
Emily Takes Paxton to the Dieselworks[]
[The scene changes to Emily carrying a damaged Paxton on a flatbed]
Narrator: Emily was taking Paxton to the Dieselworks.
[They stop at a red signal]
Emily: I'm sorry you were in an accident, Paxton. I must have been horrible.
Paxton: (sighs) Oh, it's (ah) not so bad, Emily. A biff and a bash, that's all.
[Thomas arrives]
Narrator: Then Thomas came hurrying along the track.
Thomas: Hello, Emily. Hello, Paxton. You all right?
Paxton: Just a biff and a bash, Thomas. That's all. They'II soon fix me up when I get to the Dieselworks.
Thomas: I'm sure they will, Paxton. Good luck! I must hurry. They're waiting for us at the Blue Mountain Quarry.
[They set off]
Paxton: Be careful up there, guys!
Narrator: But Thomas was already far away.
Thomas Went to the Blue Mountain Quarry[]
[The scene changes to the Blue Mountain Quarry]
Thomas was excited that the Fat Controller had given him the job of working with the Narrow Gauge Engines. By the time he reached the Blue Mountain Quarry, he had almost forgotten about Paxton.
[Thomas looked around]
And then Thomas saw what had happened to the bridge.
Thomas: Oh, my!
Skarloey: [then he came over] Hello, Thomas!
[Rheneas arrives]
Narrator: The narrow gauge engines were much smaller than Thomas.
Peter Sam: Hello, Thomas!
Narrator: They ran on narrow rails.
Sir Handel: Hello, Thomas! (whistles)
Thomas: Hello, my friends! Rheneas, what happened? Were you in a accident too?
Rheneas: Well, I did get a few extra scrapes and scratches, Actually, I could really use a fresh…..
Skarloey: It could have been worse. Luckily, Rheneas is still safe and in good working order, ready for….
Rheneas: A fresh coat of paint?
[He and Thomas laugh until they saw Skarloey looking sternly at them]
Skarloey: As I was saying, ready for work!
Thomas: Okay, Skarloey! I'm ready to huff out hardest! Just show me what we need to do.
[The work gets underway as the song "Working Together" plays]
Way up into the mountain
Hear the rumble and chuff
Wheels grinding and growling and funnels puff
Got to, got to work harder shift that slate
Got to, got to go faster
Can't be late
Here we come, up the hill
There we go, what a thrill
Working together
Rocking and rolling, lifting and loading
Blue Mountain Quarry
Pulling and pushing, heaving and hauling.
Clanking into the coupling cargo ready to roll
Wheels whizzing and whirring pull that load
Working through to the sunset every day
Trying hard to be useful
Hey, Hey, Hey!
Here we come, up the hill
There we go, what a thrill
Working together
Rocking and rolling, lifting and loading
Blue Mountain Quarry
Pulling and pushing, heaving and hauling.
Working together
Rocking and rolling, lifting and loading
Blue Mountain Quarry
Pulling and pushing, heaving and hauling.
Working together
Rocking and rolling, lifting and loading
Blue Mountain Quarry
Pulling and pushing, heaving and hauling.
Working together
[The song closes as the scene changes to night time as Thomas puffs out of the quarry and the slate trucks]
Thomas was pleased with his work at the Blue Mountain Quarry. As night fell, he chuffed happily away to Brendam Docks.
[He delivered the slate to Brendam Docks and then head to Tidmouth Sheds]
That night, Thomas slept soundly at Tidmouth Sheds. He slept at the inn and their little friends slept soundly in the hills.
Shunting Trucks[]
[The scene changes to the next morning]
The next morning, Thomas went back to work at the Blue Mountain Quarry. He was shunting trucks. Thomas heard a rattle from inside the tunnel.
[Then a little green engine darts out]
Suddenly, a small green engine darted out. An engine that Thomas had never seen before!
Thomas: (whistles) Hello, I'm Thomas.
Narrator: But the engine didn't answer.
Thomas: Cinders and ashes! How strange!
Sir Handel: [whistles as he puffs up to them] Good morning, Thomas!
Thomas: Good morning, Sir Handel. We've just seen this little green engine racing from 1 tunnel to another. Who is here?
Sir Handel: Well, now…. (stammers) As sure as these hills are high, I don't know. It was probably a runaway truck, Thomas. There are lots of those up here.
[He whistles and puffs away]
Narrator: Thomas was even more puzzled
Thomas: I’m sure that’s was a runaway car.
[Later on he reverses to the spot for the slate to go down on Merrick's zipline]
Narrator: Later Thomas saw the green engine again.
[The little engine speeds past them up above]
Thomas: Rheneas, Who is that little green engine?
Rheneas: Engine? What engine? Don't know! Er, very busy! Can't stop. Lots to do.
Thomas: [looks even more confused]
This is very strange.
[Later, they see the little engine again]
Hello! Please stop! Who are you?
Narrator: But the engine didn't stop. And the engine didn't talk. Thomas couldn't follow the little green engine along the narrow gauge rails. Their wheels were too big.
[Rusty arrives and honks]
Thomas: Rusty, do you know who that little green engine?
Rusty: I think… I'm sure I think it was a mountain goat.
Thomas: it are no mountain goats, it was an engine.
Rusty: I'm afraid I can't help, then!
[He chugs away and honks]
Narrator: Thomas was even more puzzled.
[Merrick is fast asleep.]
[whistles] Wake up, sleepy-crane!
Merrick: Huh? What? Am I missing something?
Thomas: Merrick, do you know that little green engine?
Merrick: No, Thomas, and I think it's my nap time.
[He goes back to sleep]
(Owen laughs)
Thomas: Owen! Can you help me? Have you seen a strange green engine that pops in and out of tunnels?
Owen: (chuckles nervously) There're a lot of engines popping in and out of tunnels. Going down. Next stop, quarry floor!
Thomas: No one wants to talk to me!
[They head off]
Narrator: Then Thomas saw the little green engine again.
[He stops just in front of them]
Thomas: Wait! Little engine! Please! Who are you?
Narrator: The green engine stared at Thomas. And then he hurried away again.
Skarloey: Hurry, Luke!
[Luke puffs away and the heroes chase after him]
Narrator: But Thomas didn't want to lose him this time!
[Luke almost runs into Rheneas]
Rheneas: (gasps) I'm sorry, Luke!
Luke: Oh, my! [reverses when he bump into Sir Handel] Oh!
Sir Handel: Oh, no!
[Luke tries to chuff back into the tunnel when he almost bumps into Peter Sam]
Peter Sam: Hello, Luke! You're in a hurry and… (gasps when he sees Thomas) Oh, help!
Rheneas: [whistles as he moves to another track] Luke! Over here!
Luke: Oh!
[He hurries off and into another tunnel]
Narrator: Thomas was lost the green engine. He was upset.
Thomas: Skarloey! Who is Luke? Why does he keep puffing away? Why won't any of you tell him about him? Are you spies?
Skarloey: He's a friend, Thomas.
Thomas: I'm a friend! Why don't you tell me about him so that we can be his friends too?
Narrator: The quarry was still and silent. Owen stopped working and even Merrick woke up.
Yes, Thomas. You are our friend. And so, we will trust you.
[The engines whistled and honked in agreement]
What I am going to tell you, no one else must know.
[Everyone went quiet as he began his story]
Luke hides here in the Blue Mountain Quarry, because he is scared.
Thomas: Why?
Skarloey: Because once, long ago, Luke did something very bad. He thinks that if anyone finds him he will be sent away from Sodor forever.
Thomas: Sent away?
Skarloey: That's right, Thomas. Sent away. So, here in the Blue Mountain Quarry, we make sure that our friend (Luke) always stays hidden. That way, no one will find him and he won't be sent away.
Thomas: What did Luke do that was so bad?
Skarloey: You know enough now, Thomas. And remember, everything you've heard, you must keep locked in your funnel.
In the tunnel, 2 eyes blinked and disappeared into the darkness.
[Later on]
That evening, Thomas was taking cars of slate to the docks. His axles ached and his wheels were weary. But Thomas didn't mind. His boiler was bubbling with thoughts of Luke.
Thomas: Why does Luke always hide away like that, why is he so scared of being found? What could he have done that could be bad enough to be sent away from Sodor?
[The signal change to green and Thomas and the Irelanders move on]
Narrator: Thomas had to find out what Luke had done. He wanted to know the whole story.
[The scene changes to that night as Thomas arrives back at Tidmouth Sheds]
Percy: [notices Thomas thinking] What's the matter, Thomas? You haven't said "hello".
Thomas: I'm sorry, Percy. We were thinking.
Percy: What about?
Narrator: Thomas had to be careful. He couldn't talk about Luke. Even to his best friend. Not yet at least.
Thomas: What do you all think is the worst thing an engine could do? Something really bad.
1 of the worse things that I've ever done was when I was trying to sneak up to the coaches and I crashed right into the Fat Controller's baggage trolley.
I know I shouldn't chuff past the danger sign, but I wanted to see what would happen if I did. I steamed right past it, into a siding, and fell down into the mine!
[The flashback ends]
Emily: That was very bad.
Thomas: But not bad enough to be sent away from Sodor forever.
He pushed the logs off the bridge and into the sea!
[The flashback ends]
Emily: But even he wasn't sent away from Sodor.
Narrator: The engines felt silent. Then, as the stars twinkled over Tidmouth Sheds, 1 by 1 the engines fell asleep. All, except Thomas.
Thomas: (whispering) Don't worry, Luke. We'II find a way to help you.
Thomas Returns to the Blue Mountain Quarry[]
[The next day]
Narrator: The next morning, The Blue Mountain Quarry was busy. Rocky was lifting and loading the stones from the broken Blondin Bridge.
[Skarloey puff over to Rheneas]
Rheneas: I don't like these scrapes and scratches. They make me look…..
Peter Sam: Old? (laughs)
Rusty: Clumsy? (laughs)
Skarloey: They make you look like a Really Useful engine.
Rheneas: That needs……
Both: A new coat of paint! (chuckles)
[Thomas arrives]
Narrator: Then Thomas arrived.
Thomas: Skarloey! I've asked all my friends. We're sure there is nothing an engine could do that is bad enough to be sent away from Sodor!
Skarloey: Thomas! Have you talked to the other engines about Luke?
Thomas: No! I told you I wouldn’t do that. I’m trying to help Luke. I want to be his friends
Narrator: From inside the tunnel, steam swirled and 2 eyes watched.
[Luke can be seen watching them]
Skarloey: Very well, guys. Puff along now!
Thomas: [set off. He was reversing backwards when everyone saw he was heading towards Rocky who's about to move around] (whistling) Rocky, watch out! Stop, Skarloey!
[Skarloey stop just before Rocky move the stones around and hits him]
Rocky: Whoa! Sorry, Skarloey! Oh! That was close!
Skarloey: Fenders and fireboxes! Thank you, Thomas!
Thomas: Happy to help, Skarloey!
Skarloey: You saved me from losing my cab. You all are good friend!
Narrator: Thomas smiled. And that made all the other engines and Luke smiled at Thomas.
[He comes out of the tunnel and approaches the heroes with confidence]
Thomas: [turns and sees him] Oh! Hello, Luke!
Luke: Hello, Thomas! I'm sorry I hid from you and your friends. I didn't know all of you and I was scared. But now…. Well, I wonder……. Would you all be my friends?
Thomas: We like that, Luke. We like that very much.
Working Together (reprise)[]
[They went to work with Luke]
Narrator: Thomas and their new friend worked well together.
Luke: Ready, Thomas?
Thomas: Ready and waiting, Luke!
[Luke's car tips the slate into the hopper]
Narrator: Luke and Thomas were both Really Useful engines.
[Reprise of Working Together starts playing]
Clanking into the coupling cargo ready to roll
Wheels whizzing and whirring pull that load
Working through to the sunset every day
Trying hard to be useful
Hey, Hey, Hey!
Here we come, up the hill
There we go, what a thrill
Working together
Rocking and rolling, lifting and loading
Blue Mountain Quarry
Pulling and pushing, heaving and hauling.
Working together
Rocking and rolling, lifting and loading
Blue Mountain Quarry
Pulling and pushing, heaving and hauling.
Working together
Rocking and rolling, lifting and loading
Blue Mountain Quarry
Pulling and pushing, heaving and hauling.
[They laugh until they heard a horn honking]
Suddenly, the quarry echoed with the sound of a very strange horn. Luke darted away again.
[The owner of the horn is Winston who is arriving with the Fat Controller and the Thin Controller]
It was Winston! This time he was carrying the Thin Controller and The Fat Controller.
[Winston stops next to Thomas after a few jitters by the Fat Controller]
The Fat Controller: Hello, Thomas! I have news for you. Paxton is now fixed.
The Thin Controller: Thank you for your work, Thomas. Paxton will now take over again.
The Fat Controller: And you will return to your branch line.
Thomas: Yes, sir.
[Winston rolls off]
Narrator: Thomas was sad. He wanted to stay with Luke. But he couldn't now.
Luke! (whistles) Please puff out! You don't have to hide from us. We're friends now.
[Luke comes out]
Why do you keep hiding, Luke? Skarloey told me that you are scared that you'II be sent away. We're sure you won't be, if you tell us what you did.
Luke: But (guys) I did something very bad.
Thomas: I've done bad things we all well. Once I steamed past a danger sign and fell into a mine! And I'm still here!
[Luke and Thomas laugh]
Narrator: Thomas, Luke were so busy talking that they didn't notice Paxton had come back to the quarry.
[Paxton can be seen watching them]
Luke: I'II tell you what I did, guys. But no one else must know.
Thomas: I promise, Luke. Don't worry.
A Flashback[]
Luke: [smiled then began]
A long time ago, I was sent to Sodor to work at the Blue Mountain Quarry. My boiler bubbled with excitement. It was my dream to work on Sodor! [saw a yellow engine beside him] There was a yellow engine on the boat. He came from far away. And he spoke a different language.
[Yellow engine speaks Spanish]
A language. I couldn't understand!
[The scene changes as he travels across the ocean then a storm rolls in]
A storm was coming in. The sea was rough. But I was happy! I could see Sodor! I couldn't wait to be lifted onto the rails.
[They soon arrive at the docks]
At Brendam Docks, there was hustle and bustle. Cranes clanked. Dockmen shouted.
Dockman: Line that up and lock it off!
The men wanted to lift the yellow engine off. But I wanted to be the first off the boat.
Take me up first! Please! Please!
The dockmen agreed. And I was happy!
[Yellow engine speaks Spanish]
[The flashback ends]
But then……
Thomas: What Luke?
Luke: (tearfully) I knocked the yellow engine into the sea!
(Paxton gasps)
Thomas: How?
[The flashback resumes]
I just bumped into him and sent him splashing into the sea! [hits the yellow engine and he falls off the boat and into the water] The sound was terrible!
[It changes to the Steamworks where he was being fixed]
I had to go to the Steamworks to be fixed. I heard the storm thunder outside. But I can only think about the yellow engine in the sea.
[The flashback ends]
He was there for a very long time. By the time they lifted him out, he was rusty and ruined! The yellow engine was never seen again. He must have been taken to the Smelter's Yard. He couldn't Really Useful any more. And it was all because I wanted to go first. It was my fault. If I had waited my turn, Thomas, I would never have knocked him into the sea!
Thomas: But Luke. That was a long time ago past.
Luke: I'm still scared, Thomas. My narrow gauge friends know I'm here. But I'm sure if the other engines find me, they'II tell the Thin Controller, and he'II tell the Fat Controller, and they'II both send me away from Sodor forever!
[She saw Skarloey approaching Paxton and use Equestrian Magic to hide from been seen]
Skarloey: Come along, Paxton! What are you standing there for? Get those wheels whirring!
[Paxton moves forward to some trucks and Thomas, Luke and the Irelanders see him]
Thomas: Paxton!
Luke: Oh, my!
[He quickly reverses into the tunnel]
Thomas: What are you doing here?
Paxton: Oh. Uh. Hello, Thomas. I've, um… I've… (clears throat) Well, I've come to take slate to the docks. That's my job again. The Fat Controller told me. (laughs nervously then honk his horn) Excuse me.
[He leaves]
Thomas: Luke! Luke! Please come out to say goodbye.
Narrator: But Luke didn't come out and he didn't say goodbye. Luke was scared and Thomas knew why.
Thomas: I'm sorry, Luke, I have to go back to my branch line now. But we will come back. Remember, Luke, I am your friend.
Narrator: As Thomas chuffed out of the Blue Mountain Quarry, they knew they had to help their new friend, Luke.
[Thomas set off.]
Thomas Asks Toby to Take Care of His Branch Line[]
[The next day]
Narrator: The next morning, on Thomas' branch line, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, but Thomas wasn't smiling. He was too busy thinking about Luke.
Annie: Clattering carriages!
Clarabel: Slow down! Stop! You over there a red signal Thomas!
Thomas: Oh! (apply his brakes) I'm sorry! Huh! Silly me!
Clarabel: Silly you!
Annie: Clever us!
[Then Toby arrives]
Narrator: Then Thomas saw Toby.
Thomas: Thank you for helping out on my branch line, Toby!
Toby: Happy to help, Thomas!
Thomas: Could you help me again?
Toby: I'm happy to help again, Thomas. But I am a little busy.
Thomas: Please? We have to something very important.
Narrator: So Thomas was uncoupled from Annie.
Thomas: Thank you, Toby! (whistles)
Annie: Where are you going?
Clarabel: What are you doing?
Toby: When will you be back?
Narrator: But Thomas was already too far away to hear.
[Thomas is gone.]
[reverses to Annie and Clarabel and coupled up to them] Oh, dear. Come on, then, Annie and Clarabel, let's get to work. (rings his bell)
Annie and Clarabel: We're right behind you, Toby! (giggles)
Thomas Finds a Yellow Engine[]
Narrator: Then, Thomas had an Idea.
Thomas: Maybe we can find that yellow engine! Maybe I can find out what really happened. An engine can't just disappear!
[He heads off. The scene changes to Knapford]
Narrator: So Thomas looked all over Sodor for the yellow engine. They searched at Knapford Station…..
Looking for Shunting Yards[]
[He looks at the shunting yards]
Narrator: …they searched the shunting yards…….
Looking for Bluff's Cove[]
[He searched Bluff's Cove]
Narrator:… they searched on all the coastal tracks……..
Looking for Whiff Waste Dump[]
[He searched Whiff's Waste Dump]
Narrator: …. and they even searched at the garbage dump, but they found no yellow engine.
Thomas Met Edward[]
[They saw Edward]
Edward: Hello, Thomas.
Thomas: Edward! We're looking for an old yellow engine. Have you seen one?
Edward: No, Thomas. I haven't. You could try the Dieselworks.
Thomas: Thank you, Edward. I will! (whistles)
Edward: Thomas? Why are you looking for an old yellow engine?
Narrator: But once more, Thomas was already too far away to hear.
Looking for the Dieselworks[]
[The scene changes to Thomas heading to the Dieselworks]
Narrator: At the entrance to the Dieselworks, Thomas looked for a yellow engine. There were lots of engine parts, but none of them were yellow. And then Thomas heard something that made his boiler run cold.
Paxton: And that's when Luke knocked the yellow engine into the sea. And the yellow engine was never seen again!
(Thomas gasps)
Narrator: Paxton was telling Devious Diesel all about Luke!
Diesel: You are right to tell us, Paxton. We don't want an engine like that on our island! He could knock 1 of us into the sea next. It could be you!
Paxton: (gasps) Oh, my!
We'II find the Fat Controller and he'II tell the Thin Controller, and together, they'II make sure Luke leaves Sodor forever!
[Thomas speeds off]
Who's there? (sees Thomas) Thomas! We must hurry, Paxton. Thomas is a tricky tank engine! Whatever he's doing, we must be there before them.
[They set off]
Paxton: Oh, my!
[Near the sign of the Dieselworks]
Thomas: I don't know where else to look! Somebody must know what happened to that yellow engine. Maybe somebody at Brendam Docks! Somebody like….. Cranky!
Looking for Brendam Docks[]
[The scene changes to Brendam Docks]
Narrator: Thomas raced into Brendam Docks. His pistons pumped.
Cranky! We need your help!
[Cranky looks at them]
Do you remember a yellow engine that fell into the sea?
Cranky: Mmm. I'm busy.
Dock Worker: Down! Bring it down! All right!
Thomas: Please, Cranky! This is important!
Cranky: Lots of things are important, Thomas.
Dock workers: Okay! Up and away! Keep going!
Thomas: Cranky Did you lift him out of the sea after he fell in?
Cranky: Maybe I did.
Thomas: Where did he go?
Narrator: Thomas's questions were making Cranky cross.
Cranky: All I can remember was that his light was broken. And I couldn't understand a word he said.
So, what……
[Then Diesel and Paxton came rolling up]
Cinders and ashes! (to Diesel) What are you doing here Diesel?
Diesel: I'm looking for the Fat Controller. Where is he, Cranky?
Cranky: I'm busy. How should I know? What is this? Ask Cranky Day?
Narrator: Suddenly, an idea flew into Thomas' funnel.
Thomas: Of course! Thank you, Cranky! (whistles)
[He set off]
Paxton: I'm sorry, Thomas. I didn't mean to…
[Thomas whistles and leave Brendam Docks, leaving Paxton blushing with disappointment]
Thomas Met James Part 1[]
Narrator: But Thomas was already thundering down the tracks.
James: Slow down, Thomas! Where are you huffing so fast?
Thomas: The Steamworks!
James: Why? Thomas!
Thomas: Where else would you take a rusty engine? (whistles)
Thomas Went to the Steamworks[]
[They head to the Steamworks]
Kevin: Hello, Thomas! I…. Ah!
[A crash is heard]
Victor: Kevin!
Kevin: Sorry, boss!
Thomas: Victor, do you remember fixing a yellow engine that fell into the sea? He spoke a different language.
Victor: [in Spanish] Boilers bubbling!
Thomas: What did you, say?
Narrator: Thomas saw Victor's wide eyes.
Thomas: (gasps) Cinders and ashes! It was you, Victor! You were the engine that fell into the sea!
Victor: You are right, Thomas. It was me.
Thomas: Please Tell me what Happened?
[A crash is heard again]
Kevin: Sorry, boss!
Victor: (sighs)
I have never spoken about this, Thomas. It was a long time ago.
[A flashback starts with him in his yellow livery]
Far away, in my country, I was told they needed me to work on Sodor. They say I could be Really Useful.
[The ship sails across the ocean all day into the night]
The ship was big. We sailed many seas, over many days.
[Then Luke is seen being loaded onto the ship]
Before we reached Sodor, we made a stop and a small green engine joined me on the deck.
[in Spanish] Hello. Where are you going? To Sodor?
We didn't speak the same language, but I could see that he was excited.
[The flashback stops]
As we sailed into Sodor, a storm gathered.
[Thomas looked wide-eyed as the flashback continues]
The skies darkened. The waves rolled. And with 1 big wave, the chains holding my wheels broke! I was no longer held to the deck. I was in danger.
[At Brendam Docks]
Luke: Take me up first! Please! Please!
[in Spanish] I have a problem!
I called to the crew, but they didn't understand me. So, they did nothing to help me.
[Luke was lifted up and bumped into him, making him roll backwards]
A crane lifted the excited green engine first. He swayed on the end of the hook and bumped into me. I can do nothing. There are no chains to stop me. Splash! I slid into the sea.
[he is shown to be on a jetty after he fell off the ship]
Luckily, I landed on a jetty but my firebox was soaked. And because the weather was so bad, I was left there in the sea for a long, long time.
[The scene changes to him on a flatbed after being lifted out of the water]
When I was finally lifted out, I was in a terrible mess.
[The flashback stops]
Thomas: You must have been very frightened.
Victor: Yes. It was scary. But the scariest thing of all is that no one understands me.
Thomas: So, what did you do?
Victor: I learned your language. My first word was "red"!
Thomas: Why red?
Victor: [as he explains, a flashback of him being repainted plays] Because, my friend, after they brought me to the Steamworks and repaired me, I had to be repainted. And red was the colour I chose. A bright, new colour for my bright, new life on Sodor!
[The flashback ends with everyone chuckled]
Thomas: (gasps) Of course! When Luke bumped into you, you rolled into the sea because you weren't chained! It was an accident! And you weren't sent to the Smelter's Yard! You were repaired! We must tell Luke right away! Thank you, Victor! Thank you for telling us!
Victor: Thomas! Who is Luke? Was he the little green engine? Thomas!
Kevin: Bye, Thomas! Whoa!
[He bumped into a wheel and dropped parts onto the floor. Victor was left in thoughts]
Diesel Taking Mavis to the Dieselworks[]
[The scene changes to the countryside where Thomas are hurrying to the Blue Mountain Quarry]
Thomas: Now I know the whole story! Now I know what really happened. Luke won't have to hide anymore. [Then he saw something that made him gasp] (gasps) Cinders and ashes!
Narrator: Thomas saw Diesel. Diesel was talking to the Fat Controller.
Diesel: Paxton told me all about him, sir. He's hiding somewhere at the quarry. He pushes engines into the sea! He's a danger to us all. He has to go.
The Fat Controller: That's enough, Diesel! I don't know what you are talking about. What I do know is that Mavis needs fixing and no one is helping her. Please shunt her to the Dieselworks for repair. Immediately.
Diesel: But, sir…..
The Fat Controller: Now, Diesel.
[Diesel reluctantly moved up to Mavis and got coupled up to her]
Mavis: Thank you, Diesel, you're very kind.
[Diesel growls as he pushed Mavis]
Thomas: That was lucky.
The Fat Controller: And Paxton, I don't know why you are following Diesel about. You should be working at the quarry.
Paxton: Of course, sir. I'm sorry, sir. Sorry. (gulps)
Thomas: And I should be working on my branch line. But I have to see Luke first.
The Fat Controller: [tries to start up Winston but only jitters a lot] Forward, Winston! (grunts) Not that way! Oh!
Winston: Never mind, sir. It's still early days.
The Fat Controller: Yes, Winston. Early days. Whoa!
[He and Winston set off (stopping and starting)]
Thomas: Oh, my!
[They move out, didn't see Paxton behind them who is looking guilty about telling Diesel about Luke]
Thomas Met James Part 2[]
[Diesel moves out to the Blue Mountain Quarry, with Thomas]
Narrator: Thomas' wheels whirred up the tracks. He had to get to the Blue Mountain Quarry before Diesel. He had to tell Luke what really happened to the yellow engine.
James: Hello again, Thomas.
Thomas: Sorry, James. Can't stop to talk now. Bye!
[He whistled as he whooshed pasted James]
Narrator: James was surprised.
James: For a tank engine, he really can be quite fast.
Thomas Finds Luke[]
[Thomas has made it to the Blue Mountain Quarry]
Narrator: Thomas hurried into the Blue Mountain Quarry.
Rheneas: But (Skarloey) I've been bumped again! Now, I have to get repainted.
You have to stop bumping into things, Rheneas! (laughs)
[Thomas whistles as he arrived]
Hello, guys!
Thomas: Where's Luke?
Luke: [rolls up] Hello, Thomas!
Thomas: Luke, we have wonderful news for you!
Skarloey: (shouting) What did you all do?!
[His voice silenced everyone]
Thomas: We.. We talked to Victor.
Luke: You talked to Victor?
Thomas: Yes. But….
Skarloey: We told you not to talk to the other engines.
Rheneas: And you all have.
Peter Sam: We thought you were our friend.
Luke: I thought you were my friends!
All the Narrow Gauge Engines: But you're not!
Thomas: It's not what you think!
Narrator: Suddenly, Diesel's horn echoed around the Blue Mountain Quarry.
Diesel: [appears with Paxton] Is that him? Are you the engine that pushes other engines into the sea? We've heard all about you.
Narrator: The narrow gauge engines rattled away from Thomas, Diesel and Paxton on the upper terraces of the quarry.
Thomas: Don't listen to Diesel. Let me explain!
Skarloey: No, Thomas. Don't explain anything. We can see what you have done.
Sir Handel: Go away, Thomas!
Thomas: Luke, don't chuff away from me. Please, listen!
Luke: I don't want to listen to you, ever again!
[he puffs angrily away]
Narrator: Thomas knew that his narrow-gauge friends thought he had let them down. They thought Thomas had let Luke down. That was worst of all. Thomas felt terrible.
[Skarloey glares at Thomas as Rusty reverses from Owen's platform, Diesel rolls up behind Thomas, grinning evilly]
Now, the Fat Controller and the Fin Controller will sort your little friend out, once and for all. (Laughs evilly)
[Luke is still on the bridge]
Thomas: Luke! (whistles)
Diesel: Thomas? What are you doing?
Thomas: [whistles as he went over to Rocky] Rocky, please! Lift me onto Owen's platform. I have to talk to Luke.
Rocky: Well, I don't know, Thomas….
Thomas: Please, Rocky!
Rocky: (looking down and thinks for a sec reluctantly) Okay. If you say so. But hold tight, Thomas!
[Thomas as he lifts him]
Owen: What are you doing, Thomas? You're too heavy for my platform!
[Rocky dropped Thomas onto his platform]
Thomas: I need you to pull me up, Owen. I need to talk to Luke! I know you can do it. You're strong! Try your hardest!
Owen: Okay, Thomas! Going up! Next stop, the top of the hill!
[He starts to lift Thomas up his incline to the top of the hill]
Narrator: Tug by tug and turn by turn, Owen started to pull Thomas up the incline towards Luke.
Diesel: Come down, Luke! Thomas can't help you. We know what you've done. What you've done is bad. You'II have to leave Sodor. The Fat Controller will make sure of that.
[Luke puffs off]
Thomas: Don't listen to him, Luke. We know what really happened.
Diesel: Paxton! Go and find the Fat Controller. Tell him to come here.
Paxton: Oh, my!
Thomas: No, Paxton. Luke needs your help. Race to the Steamworks and get victor.
Paxton: Oh, my! Oh, my!
[Paxton reluctantly leaves]
[They nod and follow him]
Too bad, Thomas. You can't help your little friend now!
Thomas: Yes, I can, Diesel! Owen, you did it. Well done!
Owen: Top floor. Upper Terrace. Boulder Drop and Blondin Bridge.
Thomas: Luke! Luke!
Narrator: Thomas tried to race off to find Luke. But then there was trouble! His wheels were too big for the narrow-gauge tracks!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
[He wobbles towards some buffers at the edge of the cliff and crashes right through them and hangs over the edge onto his buffers along]
Oh, no!
[Rusty sees this and gasps]
Narrator: Thomas was in danger!
Thomas: Help! Help! Help! (whistles)
[Luke heard his calls and stops. Then, he went backwards and went to Thomas]
Diesel: Watch out, Thomas! He's going to push you all off now. Just like he did with that yellow engine.
Thomas: Oh, no!
Narrator: Engines waited. Engines watched Luke.
[Thomas saw him coming while trying not to wobble and fall off]
Thomas, don't worry! I'II pull you back to Owen.
Thomas: What?
[Luke's driver couple him to Thomas]
Trust me. I can do this. I'm your friend.
[He starts to pull Thomas back]
Thomas: Trembling tracks!
[Luke starting to lose his grip on Thomas' buffer beam in the nick of time]
[He starts to lose his grip]
Luke: Hold on, Thomas!
[He manages to pull Thomas, to safety]
Thomas: (laughs in relief) Thank you, Luke!
Narrator: Luke felt strong. Stronger than he had ever been. The engines whistled and cheered.
Skarloey: Well done, Luke!
Rheneas: Hooray!
Narrator: Even Merrick woke up!
Merrick: Very well done to all of you!
Thomas: Thank you, Luke!
Luke: It's all right, Thomas!
[Then, Owen's platform dropped suddenly a bit]
Rocky: Oh!
Thomas: Cinders and ashes!
Narrator: Owen was surprised.
Owen: Steady! Next stop…. You're too heavy!
Thomas and Luke: Whoa!
[The platform drops down very fast with Thomas, Luke, on it as Rusty, Rheneas and Peter Sam went to Owen and watched as their friends went down the incline to the bottom of the hill]
[Thomas and Luke landed at the bottom with a bump]
Thomas: Fizzling fireboxes!
Peter Sam, Rheneas and Rusty: Hooray!
Owen: Super!
Skarloey: Marvelous! (laughs)
[Thomas sighs]
Diesel: Humph!
[Then a car horn is heard from a distance]
Suddenly, they heard the strangest sound!
[Thomas and Luke look to see the Fat Controller and the Thin Controller arriving in Winston]
The Fat Controller was cross!
The Fat Controller: What is going on? Thomas! Whatever are you doing?
Thomas: I’m sorry, sir. I, uh…
The Fat Controller: I told you to work on your branch line. But you're not! Toby is!
Thomas: I’m sorry, sir. I, uh…
Mr. Percival: Rocky! Bring those engines down from the unloading platform!
Rocky: Yes, sir. Right away, sir.
Diesel: I can explain, sir. That engine there is called Luke. He's a bad engine.
Narrator: The Fat Controller stared first at Luke and then at Thomas.
It's not like that, sir.
[Paxton's horn is heard]
[Paxton appears pushing Victor on a well-wagon and stops behind Winston]
You brought Victor!
The Fat Controller: Victor? What are you doing here?
Victor: Sir! I have come to meet an engine I have not seen for a very long time. His name is Luke.
Thomas: Victor, this is Luke.
Victor: Hello, Luke, my friend. It's been a very long time. You didn't push me, Luke. I slipped off the boat. My wheel chains were broken. It was an accident. It wasn't your fault.
Luke: [looked confused] But it can't be you! You're not a yellow engine. And you don't speak a different language.
Victor: (laughs then speaks in Spanish) Good morning, Luke. My name is Victor. It is a pleasure to see you again!
Luke: (gasps) That's the language!
Victor: That's right, my friend.
Luke: But the engine on the boat with me was yellow.
Victor: That's very true. I was yellow. But I was painted red when Sir Topham Hatt had me repainted.
Luke: You didn't go to the Smelter's Yard?
Victor: No. I stayed at the Steamworks. That's where I work. Come down to visit me. You can get a coat of paint, a polish, a brush…. You will be a new engine!
[Luke laughs and smiles]
Narrator: And for the 1st time, in a long, long, time, Luke was happy.
Rheneas: Speaking of paint, Victor, I've been talking to Skarloey about being repainted….
Skarloey: (coughs) Not now, Rheneas.
The Thin Controller: Luke, I am very happy to meet you. At last. Welcome to my railway!
[Luke blushes]
The Fat Controller: It seems (Diesel) you did not find out the whole story before you caused confusion and delay. It is always important to find out what really happened. Because what really happened is what really matters.
Diesel: Yes, sir.
The Fat Controller: Today is a very happy day for the Thin Controller and all his engines.
Luke: Thomas has made it a happy day, sir. They're my heroes! He's my friend!
[He whistles]
The Fat Controller: Well done, Thomas. I am proud of you.
Thomas: Thank you, sir.
The Fat Controller: And that is why I will forgive you for not working on your branch line.
Thomas: Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
The Fat Controller: Mr. Percival, we must be very proud of all our engines.
Mr. Percival: Indeed. Very proud indeed. New ones and old ones. You are all….
Both: Really Useful engines!
[Everyone laugh as the engines whistled]
Narrator: And no engine whistled louder than Thomas and Luke!
[The engines cheered as the 2 friends smiled]
[The scene changes to a few days later at the Steamworks]
Narrator: A few days later, Thomas went to the Steamworks. Luke was there with Victor.
Luke: Hello, Thomas!
Thomas: Hello, Luke! Hello, Victor!
Hello, Thomas! I know you all have been looking for a yellow engine. Well, I think I found him!
[Thomas got confused]
Thomas, meet the yellow engine!
Rheneas: [now painted yellow; rolls out and whistles] Ta-da!
Thomas, Victor and Luke: Rheneas!
Rheneas: It's me! (whistles)
[Everyone laughs]
[The End]
[The film begins at the Blue Mountain Quarry where Rheneas whistles as he puffs out of a tunnel]
It was a busy day on the Island of Sodor.
[Rusty pushes stone as Skarloey and Sir Handel passes with trains of stone]
At the Blue Mountain Quarry, the narrow gauge engines were working hard.
Merrick: Good morning, Rheneas.
Rheneas: Morning, Merrick. (whistles)
Merrick: Good morning, Peter Sam!
Peter Sam: (whistles) Good morning, Merrick!
Narrator: Owen (the Incline Engine) was waiting for Paxton the Diesel. Paxton was collecting heavy trucks of slate to take to Brendam Docks.
Paxton: [honks as he backs up to his trucks] Ready when you are, Owen.
Owen: Load me up, Rusty. Going down! Next stop, right at the bottom.
[He lowers his trucks to the bottom as Skarloey puffs by]
Paxton: Do you always work this hard at the Quarry, Skarloey?
Skarloey: Always. If your wheels aren't whirring, you aren't being a Really Useful Engine.
[He whistles as he puffs away]
Narrator: Paxton started to whir his wheels again.
[He started to move forward when…]
Peter Sam: Look out!
Paxton: Oh my!
[A block of stone lands next to him]
Narrator: Then he stopped.
Paxton: What was that, Peter Sam?
Narrator: High above in the Quarry, a giant keystone in Blondin Bridge had come loose.
Peter Sam: [sees this] Fenders and Fireboxes! Blondin Bridge is not safe!
Merrick: Oh, Rheneas is on his way down from the upper terrace. He'll have to cross the bridge with heavy cars.
Rusty: We must warn him! Sound the alarm!
[A loud siren sounds]
All the engines were suddenly still. All the engines were hushed. All the engines watched.
[Rheneas is puffing along when he hears the siren]
Rheneas heard the siren (Rheneas: Oh, no. There must be danger.), but he didn't know why the siren was sounding (Sir Handel: There he is!) until it was too late.
[He saw the trouble ahead as a workman tried to flag him down]
Workman: Stop! Stop!
Narrator: Rheneas tried to stop!
Workman: Blondin Bridge is falling down!
Narrator: But his heavy cars pushed him on (Rheneas: Whoa!) right onto the damaged bridge!
Rheneas: Whoa!
Rheneas pumped his pistons as never before! He had to puff across before the bridge collapsed!
[He makes it across just as the bridge collapses]
Rheneas was almost knocked off the rails!
Rheneas: Whoa!
[He bashes into a rock while and through some wood planks then roll down the hill and raced around a bend, almost fell of the tracks before coming to a stop]
Narrator: At last, Rheneas rolled to a stop right by Skarloey.
Rheneas: Oh! I'm alright. I made it down safely.
[He, Skarloey, Sir Handel, Rusty and Peter Sam laugh and cheer]
Skarloey, Sir Handel, Rusty and Peter Sam: Hurray!
Paxton: [is seen derailed by stones]
Uh, excuse me? Erm, I wonder if, uh, someone could help me? (stammering) Maybe? Please?
[The scene changes to leaves in a tree as the camera moves down to some railway tracks which Thomas chuffs over pulling Annie and Clarabel]
Narrator: On Thomas' branch line, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Thomas was having fun with Annie and Clarabel.
Thomas: (laughing) Hold on tight! (whistles)
Annie: Clattering carriages! Slow down, Thomas!
Clarabel: Slow down! Slow down! The signal is red!
Thomas: I always slow down when I come to a red signal.
Annie: Only because we told you to.
Clarabel: Only because we keep you on track.
Thomas: (laughs) You worry too much!
[Then a car horn is heard]
Narrator: Suddenly, Thomas, Annie and Clarabel heard the strangest sound!
Thomas: Cinders and Ashes! What's that?
[A car on rails appears with Sir Topham Hatt on board]
Narrator: Around the bend came a small red car on the tracks. He was carrying Sir Topham Hatt Thomas was surprised!
Sir Topham Hatt:
Winston! Please stop!
[He puts on the brakes and Winston stops]
Wait there a moment, Thomas! I need to talk to you.
[Everyone stares]
[grunts loudly as Winston reverses very fast past Thomas and then went back to Thomas again] Good morning, Thomas! This is Winston! He is my new track inspection car!
[Winston honks]
Thomas: Good morning, Winston! Nice to meet you!
Winston: Nice to meet you, Thomas!
Sir Topham Hatt: Thomas, I have a special job for you. Paxton has been in an accident at the Blue Mountain Quarry. I have arranged with Mr. Percival to send Thomas to work in his place. His job will be to take loaded slate cars to the docks.
Thomas: Thank you, sir! I like working with my narrow-gauge friends!
Sir Topham Hatt: Toby will take over on your branch line. Oh! Before you go, you must deliver the rest of these passengers!
Thomas: Of course, sir!
[He cringes as Winston jolts a bit]
Sir Topham Hatt:
Winston, we must hurry. Today is a busy day.
[He jolts on with Winston as Thomas watch]
Not to worry. It's early days yet. (chuckles)
Winston: That's right, sir. Early days.
Thomas: Of course, sir!
Winston: Bye, Thomas! (hoots)
Thomas: Goodbye, Winston! (laughs)
[Winston rolls off with Sir Topham Hatt]
Narrator: Thomas liked Winston already. So did Annie and Clarabel.
Thomas: We have a new friend! (laughs)
Annie and Clarabel: We like Winston! (laughs)
[Everyone laughs as they set off]
Emily Takes Paxton to the Dieselworks[]
[The scene changes to Emily carrying a damaged Paxton on a flatbed]
Narrator: Emily was taking Paxton to the Dieselworks.
[They stop at a red signal]
Emily: I'm sorry you were in an accident, Paxton. I must have been horrible.
Paxton: (sighs) Oh, it's (ah) not so bad, Emily. A biff and a bash, that's all.
[Thomas arrives]
Narrator: Then Thomas came hurrying along the track.
Thomas: Hello, Emily. Hello, Paxton. You all right?
Paxton: Just a biff and a bash, Thomas. That's all. They'II soon fix me up when I get to the Dieselworks.
Thomas: I'm sure they will, Paxton. Good luck! I must hurry. They're waiting for us at the Blue Mountain Quarry.
[They set off]
Paxton: Be careful up there, guys!
Narrator: But Thomas was already far away.
Thomas Went to the Blue Mountain Quarry[]
[The scene changes to the Blue Mountain Quarry]
Thomas was excited that Sir Topham Hatt had given him the job of working with the Narrow Gauge Engines. By the time he reached the Blue Mountain Quarry, he had almost forgotten about Paxton.
[Thomas looked around]
And then Thomas saw what had happened to the bridge.
Thomas: Oh, my!
Skarloey: [then he came over] Hello, Thomas!
[Rheneas arrives]
Narrator: The narrow gauge engines were much smaller than Thomas.
Peter Sam: Hello, Thomas!
Narrator: They ran on narrow rails.
Sir Handel: Hello, Thomas! (whistles)
Thomas: Hello, my friends! Rheneas, what happened? Were you in a accident too?
Rheneas: Well, I did get a few extra scrapes and scratches, Actually, I could really use a fresh…..
Skarloey: It could have been worse. Luckily, Rheneas is still safe and in good working order, ready for….
Rheneas: A fresh coat of paint?
[He and Thomas laugh until they saw Skarloey looking sternly at them]
Skarloey: As I was saying, ready for work!
Thomas: Okay, Skarloey! I'm ready to huff out hardest! Just show me what we need to do.
Working Together[]
[The work gets underway as the song "Working Together" plays]
Way up into the mountain
Hear the rumble and chuff
Wheels grinding and growling and funnels puff
Got to, got to work harder shift that slate
Got to, got to go faster
Can't be late
Here we come, up the hill
There we go, what a thrill
Working together
Rocking and rolling, lifting and loading
Blue Mountain Quarry
Pulling and pushing, heaving and hauling.
Clanking into the coupling cargo ready to roll
Wheels whizzing and whirring pull that load
Working through to the sunset every day
Trying hard to be useful
Hey, Hey, Hey!
Here we come, up the hill
There we go, what a thrill
Working together
Rocking and rolling, lifting and loading
Blue Mountain Quarry
Pulling and pushing, heaving and hauling.
Working together
Rocking and rolling, lifting and loading
Blue Mountain Quarry
Pulling and pushing, heaving and hauling.
Working together
Rocking and rolling, lifting and loading
Blue Mountain Quarry
Pulling and pushing, heaving and hauling.
Working together
[The song closes as the scene changes to night time as Thomas puffs out of the quarry and the slate trucks]
Thomas was pleased with his work at the Blue Mountain Quarry. As night fell, he chuffed happily away to Brendam Docks.
[He delivered the slate to Brendam Docks and then head to Tidmouth Sheds]
That night, Thomas slept soundly at Tidmouth Sheds. He slept at the inn and their little friends slept soundly in the hills.
Shunting Cars[]
[The scene changes to the next morning]
The next morning, Thomas went back to work at the Blue Mountain Quarry. He was shunting trucks/cars. Thomas heard a rattle from inside the tunnel.
[Then a little green engine darts out]
Suddenly, a small green engine darted out. An engine that Thomas had never seen before!
Thomas: (whistles) Hello, I'm Thomas.
Narrator: But the engine didn't answer.
Thomas: Cinders and ashes! How strange!
Sir Handel: [whistles as he puffs up to them] Good morning, Thomas!
Thomas: Good morning, Sir Handel. We've just seen this little green engine racing from 1 tunnel to another. Who is here?
Sir Handel: Well, now…. (stammers) As sure as these hills are high, I don't know. It was probably a runaway car, Thomas. There are lots of those up here.
[He whistles and puffs away]
Narrator: Thomas was even more puzzled
Thomas: I’m sure that’s was a runaway car.
[Later on he reverses to the spot for the slate to go down on Merrick's zipline]
Narrator: Later Thomas saw the green engine again.
[The little engine speeds past them up above]
Thomas: Rheneas, Who is that little green engine?
Rheneas: Engine? What engine? Don't know! Er, very busy! Can't stop. Lots to do.
Thomas: [looks even more confused]
This is very strange.
[Later, they see the little engine again]
Hello! Please stop! Who are you?
Narrator: But the engine didn't stop. And the engine didn't talk. Thomas couldn't follow the little green engine along the narrow gauge rails. Their wheels were too big.
[Rusty arrives and honks]
Thomas: Rusty, do you know who that little green engine?
Rusty: I think… I'm sure I think it was a mountain goat.
Thomas: it are no mountain goats, it was an engine.
Rusty: I'm afraid I can't help, then!
[He chugs away]
Narrator: Thomas was even more puzzled.
[Merrick is fast asleep.]
[whistles] Wake up, sleepy-crane!
Merrick: Huh? What? Am I missing something?
Thomas: Merrick, do you know that little green engine?
Merrick: No, Thomas, and I think it's my nap time.
[He goes back to sleep]
(Owen laughs)
Thomas: Owen! Can you help me? Have you seen a strange green engine that pops in and out of tunnels?
Owen: (chuckles nervously) There're a lot of engines popping in and out of tunnels. Going down. Next stop, quarry floor!
Thomas: No one wants to talk to me!
[They head off]
Narrator: Then Thomas saw the little green engine again.
[He stops just in front of them]
Thomas: Wait! Little engine! Please! Who are you?
Narrator: The green engine stared at Thomas. And then he hurried away again.
Skarloey: Hurry, Luke!
[Luke puffs away and the heroes chase after him]
Narrator: But Thomas didn't want to lose him this time!
[Luke almost runs into Rheneas]
Rheneas: (gasps) I'm sorry, Luke!
Luke: Oh, my! [reverses when he bump into Sir Handel] Oh!
Sir Handel: Oh, no!
[Luke tries to chuff back into the tunnel when he almost bumps into Peter Sam]
Peter Sam: Hello, Luke! You're in a hurry and… (gasps when he sees Thomas) Oh, help!
Rheneas: [whistles as he moves to another track] Luke! Over here!
Luke: Oh!
[He hurries off and into another tunnel]
Narrator: Thomas was lost the green engine. He was upset.
Thomas: Skarloey! Who is Luke? Why does he keep puffing away? Why won't any of you tell him about him? Are you spies?
Skarloey: He's a friend, Thomas.
Thomas: I'm a friend! Why don't you tell me about him so that we can be his friends too?
Narrator: The quarry was still and silent. Owen stopped working and even Merrick woke up.
Yes, Thomas. You are our friend. And so, we will trust you.
[The engines whistled and honked in agreement]
What I am going to tell you, no one else must know.
[Everyone went quiet as he began his story]
Luke hides here in the Blue Mountain Quarry, because he is scared.
Thomas: Why?
Skarloey: Because once, long ago, Luke did something very bad. He thinks that if anyone finds him he will be sent away from Sodor forever.
Thomas: Sent away?
Skarloey: That's right, Thomas. Sent away. So, here in the Blue Mountain Quarry, we make sure that our friend (Luke) always stays hidden. That way, no one will find him and he won't be sent away.
Thomas: What did Luke do that was so bad?
Skarloey: You know enough now, Thomas. And remember, everything you've heard, you must keep locked in your funnel.
In the tunnel, 2 eyes blinked and disappeared into the darkness.
[Later on]
That evening, Thomas was taking cars of slate to the docks. His axles ached and his wheels were weary. But Thomas didn't mind. His boiler was bubbling with thoughts of Luke.
Thomas: Why does Luke always hide away like that, why is he so scared of being found? What could he have done that could be bad enough to be sent away from Sodor?
[The signal change to green and Thomas and the Irelanders move on]
Narrator: Thomas had to find out what Luke had done. He wanted to know the whole story.
[The scene changes to that night as Thomas arrives back at Tidmouth Sheds]
Percy: [notices Thomas thinking] What's the matter, Thomas? You haven't said "hello".
Thomas: I'm sorry, Percy. We were thinking.
Percy: What about?
Narrator: Thomas had to be careful. He couldn't talk about Luke. Even to his best friend. Not yet at least.
Thomas: What do you all think is the worst thing an engine could do? Something really bad.
1 of the worse things that I've ever done was when I was trying to sneak up to the coaches and I crashed right into Sir Topham Hatt's baggage trolley.
I know I shouldn't chuff past the danger sign, but I wanted to see what would happen if I did. I steamed right past it, into a siding, and fell down into the mine!
[The flashback ends]
Emily: That was very bad.
Thomas: But not bad enough to be sent away from Sodor forever.
He pushed the logs off the bridge and into the sea!
[The flashback ends]
Emily: But even he wasn't sent away from Sodor.
Narrator: The engines felt silent. Then, as the stars twinkled over Tidmouth Sheds, 1 by 1 the engines fell asleep. All, except Thomas.
Thomas: (whispering) Don't worry, Luke. We'II find a way to help you.
Thomas Returns to the Blue Mountain Quarry[]
[The next day]
Narrator: The next morning, The Blue Mountain Quarry was busy. Rocky was lifting and loading the stones from the broken Blondin Bridge.
[Skarloey puff over to Rheneas]
Rheneas: I don't like these scrapes and scratches. They make me look…..
Peter Sam: Old? (laughs)
Rusty: Clumsy? (laughs)
Skarloey: They make you look like a Really Useful engine.
Rheneas: That needs……
Both: A new coat of paint! (chuckles)
[Thomas arrives]
Narrator: Then Thomas arrived.
Thomas: Skarloey! I've asked all my friends. We're sure there is nothing an engine could do that is bad enough to be sent away from Sodor!
Skarloey: Thomas! Have you talked to the other engines about Luke?
Thomas: No! I told you I wouldn’t do that. I’m trying to help Luke. I want to be his friends
Narrator: From inside the tunnel, steam swirled and 2 eyes watched.
[Luke can be seen watching them]
Skarloey: Very well, guys. Puff along now!
Thomas: [set off. He was reversing backwards when everyone saw he was heading towards Rocky who's about to move around] (whistling) Rocky, watch out! Stop, Skarloey!
[Skarloey stop just before Rocky move the stones around and hits him]
Rocky: Whoa! Sorry, Skarloey! Oh! That was close!
Skarloey: Fenders and fireboxes! Thank you, Thomas!
Thomas: Happy to help, Skarloey!
Skarloey: You saved me from losing my cab. You all are good friend!
Narrator: Thomas smiled. And that made all the other engines and Luke smile at Thomas.
[He comes out of the tunnel and approaches the heroes with confidence]
Thomas: [turns and sees him] Oh! Hello, Luke!
Luke: Hello, Thomas! I'm sorry I hid from you and your friends. I didn't know all of you and I was scared. But now…. Well, I wonder……. Would you all be my friends?
Thomas: We like that, Luke. We like that very much.
Working Together (reprise)[]
[They went to work with Luke]
Narrator: Thomas and their new friend worked well together.
Luke: Ready, Thomas?
Thomas: Ready and waiting, Luke!
[Luke's car tips the slate into the hopper]
Narrator: Luke and Thomas were both Really Useful engines.
[Reprise of Working Together starts playing]
Clanking into the coupling cargo ready to roll
Wheels whizzing and whirring pull that load
Working through to the sunset every day
Trying hard to be useful
Hey, Hey, Hey!
Here we come, up the hill
There we go, what a thrill
Working together
Rocking and rolling, lifting and loading
Blue Mountain Quarry
Pulling and pushing, heaving and hauling.
Working together
Rocking and rolling, lifting and loading
Blue Mountain Quarry
Pulling and pushing, heaving and hauling.
Working together
Rocking and rolling, lifting and loading
Blue Mountain Quarry
Pulling and pushing, heaving and hauling.
[They laugh until they heard a horn honking]
Suddenly, the quarry echoed with the sound of a very strange horn. Luke darted away again.
[The owner of the horn is Winston who is arriving with Sir Topham Hatt and Mr. Percival]
It was Winston! This time he was carrying Mr. Percival and Sir Topham Hatt.
[Winston stops next to Thomas after a few jitters by Sir Topham Hatt]
Sir Topham Hatt: Hello, Thomas! I have news for you. Paxton is now fixed.
Mr. Percival: Thank you for your work, Thomas. Paxton will now take over again.
Sir Topham Hatt: And you will return to your branch line.
Thomas: Yes, sir.
[Winston rolls off]
Narrator: Thomas was sad. He wanted to stay with Luke. But he couldn't now.
Luke! (whistles) Please puff out! You don't have to hide from us. We're friends now.
[Luke comes out]
Why do you keep hiding, Luke? Skarloey told me that you are scared that you'II be sent away. We're sure you won't be, if you tell us what you did.
Luke: But (guys) I did something very bad.
Thomas: I've done bad things we all well. Once I steamed past a danger sign and fell into a mine! And I'm still here!
[Luke and Thomas laugh]
Narrator: Thomas, Luke were so busy talking that they didn't notice Paxton had come back to the quarry.
[Paxton can be seen watching them]
Luke: I'II tell you what I did, guys. But no one else must know.
Thomas: I promise, Luke. Don't worry.
A Flashback[]
Luke: [smiled then began]
A long time ago, I was sent to Sodor to work at the Blue Mountain Quarry. My boiler bubbled with excitement. It was my dream to work on Sodor! [saw a yellow engine beside him] There was a yellow engine on the boat. He came from far away. And he spoke a different language.
[Yellow engine speaks Spanish]
A language. I couldn't understand!
[The scene changes as he travels across the ocean then a storm rolls in]
A storm was coming in. The sea was rough. But I was happy! I could see Sodor! I couldn't wait to be lifted onto the rails.
[They soon arrive at the docks]
At Brendam Docks, there was hustle and bustle. Cranes clanked. Dockmen shouted.
Dockman: Line that up and lock it off!
The men wanted to lift the yellow engine off. But I wanted to be the first off the boat.
Take me up first! Please! Please!
The dockmen agreed. And I was happy!
[Yellow engine speaks Spanish]
[The flashback ends]
But then……
Thomas: What Luke?
Luke: (getting tears in his eyes) I knocked the yellow engine into the sea!
(Paxton gasps)
Thomas: How?
[The flashback resumes]
I just bumped into him and sent him splashing into the sea! [hits the yellow engine and he falls off the boat and into the water] The sound was terrible!
[It changes to the Steamworks where he was being fixed]
I had to go to the Steamworks to be fixed. I heard the storm thunder outside. But I can only think about the yellow engine in the sea.
[The flashback ends]
He was there for a very long time. By the time they lifted him out, he was rusty and ruined! The yellow engine was never seen again. He must have been taken to the Smelter's Yard. He couldn't Really Useful any more. And it was all because I wanted to go first. It was my fault. If I had waited my turn, Thomas, I would never have knocked him into the sea!
Thomas: But Luke. That was a long time ago past.
Luke: I'm still scared, Thomas. My narrow gauge friends know I'm here. But I'm sure if the other engines find me, they'II tell Mr. Percival, and he'II tell Sir Topham Hatt, and they'II both send me away from Sodor forever!
[She saw Skarloey approaching Paxton and use Equestrian Magic to hide from been seen]
Skarloey: Come along, Paxton! What are you standing there for? Get those wheels whirring!
[Paxton moves forward to some trucks and Thomas, Luke and the Irelanders see him]
Thomas: Paxton!
Luke: Oh, my!
[He quickly reverses into the tunnel]
Thomas: What are you doing here?
Paxton: Oh. Uh. Hello, Thomas. I've, um… I've… (clears throat) Well, I've come to take slate to the docks. That's my job again. Sir Topham Hatt told me. (laughs nervously then honk his horn) Excuse me.
[He leaves]
Thomas: Luke! Luke! Please come out to say goodbye.
Narrator: But Luke didn't come out and he didn't say goodbye. Luke was scared and Thomas knew why.
Thomas: I'm sorry, Luke, I have to go back to my branch line now. But we will come back. Remember, Luke, I am your friend.
Narrator: As Thomas chuffed out of the Blue Mountain Quarry, they knew they had to help their new friend, Luke.
[Thomas set off.]
Thomas Asks Toby to Take Care of His Branch Line[]
[The next day]
Narrator: The next morning, on Thomas' branch line, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, but Thomas wasn't smiling. He was too busy thinking about Luke.
Annie: Clattering carriages!
Clarabel: Slow down! Stop! You over there a red signal Thomas!
Thomas: Oh! (apply his brakes) I'm sorry! Huh! Silly me!
Clarabel: Silly you!
Annie: Clever us!
[Then Toby arrives]
Narrator: Then Thomas saw Toby.
Thomas: Thank you for helping out on my branch line, Toby!
Toby: Happy to help, Thomas!
Thomas: Could you help me again?
Toby: I'm happy to help again, Thomas. But I am a little busy.
Thomas: Please? We have to something very important.
Narrator: So Thomas was uncoupled from Annie.
Thomas: Thank you, Toby! (whistles)
Annie: Where are you going?
Clarabel: What are you doing?
Toby: When will you be back?
Narrator: But Thomas was already too far away to hear.
[Thomas is gone.]
[reverses to Annie and Clarabel and coupled up to them] Oh, dear. Come on, then, Annie and Clarabel, let's get to work. (rings his bell)
Annie and Clarabel: We're right behind you, Toby! (giggles)
Thomas Finds a Yellow Engine[]
Narrator: Then, Thomas had an Idea.
Thomas: Maybe we can find that yellow engine! Maybe I can find out what really happened. An engine can't just disappear!
[He heads off. The scene changes to Knapford]
Narrator: So Thomas looked all over Sodor for the yellow engine. They searched at Knapford Station…..
Looking for Shunting Yards[]
[He looks at the shunting yards]
Narrator: …they searched the shunting yards…….
Looking for Bluff's Cove[]
[He searched Bluff's Cove]
Narrator:… they searched on all the coastal tracks……..
Looking for Whiff Waste Dump[]
[He searched Whiff's Waste Dump]
Narrator: …. and they even searched at the garbage dump, but they found no yellow engine.
Thomas Met Edward[]
[They saw Edward]
Edward: Hello, Thomas.
Thomas: Edward! We're looking for an old yellow engine. Have you seen one?
Edward: No, Thomas. I haven't. You could try the Dieselworks.
Thomas: Thank you, Edward. I will! (whistles)
Edward: Thomas? Why are you looking for an old yellow engine?
Narrator: But once more, Thomas was already too far away to hear.
Looking for the Dieselworks[]
[The scene changes to Thomas heading to the Dieselworks]
Narrator: At the entrance to the Dieselworks, Thomas looked for a yellow engine. There were lots of engine parts, but none of them were yellow. And then Thomas heard something that made his boiler run cold.
Paxton: And that's when Luke knocked the yellow engine into the sea. And the yellow engine was never seen again!
(Thomas gasps)
Narrator: Paxton was telling Devious Diesel all about Luke!
Diesel: You are right to tell us, Paxton. We don't want an engine like that on our island! He could knock 1 of us into the sea next. It could be you!
Paxton: (gasps) Oh, my!
We'II find Sir Topham Hatt and he'II tell the Mr. Percival, and together, they'II make sure Luke leaves Sodor forever!
[Thomas speeds off]
Who's there? (sees Thomas) Thomas! We must hurry, Paxton. Thomas is a tricky tank engine! Whatever he's doing, we must be there before them.
[They set off]
Paxton: Oh, my!
[Near the sign of the Dieselworks]
Thomas: I don't know where else to look! Somebody must know what happened to that yellow engine. Maybe somebody at Brendam Docks! Somebody like….. Cranky!
Looking for Brendam Docks[]
[The scene changes to Brendam Docks]
Narrator: Thomas raced into Brendam Docks. His pistons pumped.
Cranky! We need your help!
[Cranky looks at them]
Do you remember a yellow engine that fell into the sea?
Cranky: Mmm. I'm busy.
Dock Worker: Down! Bring it down! All right!
Thomas: Please, Cranky! This is important!
Cranky: Lots of things are important, Thomas.
Dock workers: Okay! Up and away! Keep going!
Thomas: Cranky Did you lift him out of the sea after he fell in?
Cranky: Maybe I did.
Thomas: Where did he go?
Narrator: Thomas's questions were making Cranky cross.
Cranky: All I can remember was that his light was broken. And I couldn't understand a word he said.
So, what……
[Then Diesel and Paxton came rolling up]
Cinders and ashes! (to Diesel) What are you doing here Diesel?
Diesel: I'm looking for Sir Topham Hatt. Where is he, Cranky?
Cranky: I'm busy. How should I know? What is this? Ask Cranky Day?
Narrator: Suddenly, an idea flew into Thomas' funnel.
Thomas: Of course! Thank you, Cranky! (whistles)
[He set off]
Paxton: I'm sorry, Thomas. I didn't mean to…
[Thomas whistles and leave Brendam Docks, leaving Paxton blushing with disappointment]
Thomas Met James Part 1[]
Narrator: But Thomas was already thundering down the tracks.
James: Slow down, Thomas! Where are you huffing so fast?
Thomas: The Steamworks!
James: Why? Thomas!
Thomas: Where else would you take a rusty engine? (whistles)
Thomas Went to the Steamworks[]
[They head to the Steamworks]
Kevin: Hello, Thomas! I…. Ah!
[A crash is heard]
Victor: Kevin!
Kevin: Sorry, boss!
Thomas: Victor, do you remember fixing a yellow engine that fell into the sea? He spoke a different language.
Victor: [in Spanish] Boilers bubbling!
Thomas: What did you, say?
Narrator: Thomas saw Victor's wide eyes.
Thomas: (gasps) Cinders and ashes! It was you, Victor! You were the engine that fell into the sea!
Victor: You are right, Thomas. It was me.
Thomas: Please Tell me what Happened?
[A crash is heard again]
Kevin: Sorry, boss!
Victor: (sighs)
I have never spoken about this, Thomas. It was a long time ago.
[A flashback starts with him in his yellow livery]
Far away, in my country, I was told they needed me to work on Sodor. They say I could be Really Useful.
[The ship sails across the ocean all day into the night]
The ship was big. We sailed many seas, over many days.
[Then Luke is seen being loaded onto the ship]
Before we reached Sodor, we made a stop and a small green engine joined me on the deck.
[in Spanish] Hello. Where are you going? To Sodor?
We didn't speak the same language, but I could see that he was excited.
[The flashback stops]
As we sailed into Sodor, a storm gathered.
[Thomas looked wide-eyed as the flashback continues]
The skies darkened. The waves rolled. And with 1 big wave, the chains holding my wheels broke! I was no longer held to the deck. I was in danger.
[At Brendam Docks]
Luke: Take me up first! Please! Please!
[in Spanish] I have a problem!
I called to the crew, but they didn't understand me. So, they did nothing to help me.
[Luke was lifted up and bumped into him, making him roll backwards]
A crane lifted the excited green engine first. He swayed on the end of the hook and bumped into me. I can do nothing. There are no chains to stop me. Splash! I slid into the sea.
[he is shown to be on a jetty after he fell off the ship]
Luckily, I landed on a jetty but my firebox was soaked. And because the weather was so bad, I was left there in the sea for a long, long time.
[The scene changes to him on a flatbed after being lifted out of the water]
When I was finally lifted out, I was in a terrible mess.
[The flashback stops]
Thomas: You must have been very frightened.
Victor: Yes. It was scary. But the scariest thing of all is that no one understands me.
Thomas: So, what did you do?
Victor: I learned your language. My first word was "red"!
Thomas: Why red?
Victor: [as he explains, a flashback of him being repainted plays] Because, my friend, after they brought me to the Steamworks and repaired me, I had to be repainted. And red was the colour I chose. A bright, new colour for my bright, new life on Sodor!
[The flashback ends with everyone chuckled]
Thomas: (gasps) Of course! When Luke bumped into you, you rolled into the sea because you weren't chained! It was an accident! And you weren't sent to the Smelter's Yard! You were repaired! We must tell Luke right away! Thank you, Victor! Thank you for telling us!
Victor: Thomas! Who is Luke? Was he the little green engine? Thomas!
Kevin: Bye, Thomas! Whoa!
[He bumped into a wheel and dropped parts onto the floor. Victor was left in thoughts]
Diesel Taking Mavis to the Dieselworks[]
[The scene changes to the countryside where Thomas are hurrying to the Blue Mountain Quarry]
Thomas: Now I know the whole story! Now I know what really happened. Luke won't have to hide anymore. [Then he saw something that made him gasp] (gasps) Cinders and ashes!
Narrator: Thomas saw Diesel. Diesel was talking to Sir Topham Hatt.
Diesel: Paxton told me all about him, sir. He's hiding somewhere at the quarry. He pushes engines into the sea! He's a danger to us all. He has to go.
Sir Topham Hatt: That's enough, Diesel! I don't know what you are talking about. What I do know is that Mavis needs fixing and no one is helping her. Please shunt her to the Dieselworks for repair. Immediately.
Diesel: But, sir…..
Sir Topham Hatt: Now, Diesel.
[Diesel reluctantly moved up to Mavis and got coupled up to her]
Mavis: Thank you, Diesel, you're very kind.
[Diesel growls as he pushed Mavis]
Thomas: That was lucky.
Sir Topham Hatt: And Paxton, I don't know why you are following Diesel about. You should be working at the quarry.
Paxton: Of course, sir. I'm sorry, sir. Sorry. (gulps)
Thomas: And I should be working on my branch line. But I have to see Luke first.
Sir Topham Hatt: [tries to start up Winston but only jitters a lot] Forward, Winston! (grunts) Not that way! Oh!
Winston: Never mind, sir. It's still early days.
Sir Topham Hatt: Yes, Winston. Early days. Whoa!
[He and Winston set off (stopping and starting)]
Thomas: Oh, my!
[They move out, didn't see Paxton behind them who is looking guilty about telling Diesel about Luke]
Thomas Met James Part 2[]
[Diesel moves out to the Blue Mountain Quarry, with Thomas]
Narrator: Thomas' wheels whirred up the tracks. He had to get to the Blue Mountain Quarry before Diesel. He had to tell Luke what really happened to the yellow engine.
James: Hello again, Thomas.
Thomas: Sorry, James. Can't stop to talk now. Bye!
[He whistled as he whooshed pasted James]
Narrator: James was surprised.
James: For a tank engine, he really can be quite fast.
Thomas Finds Luke[]
[Thomas has made it to the Blue Mountain Quarry]
Narrator: Thomas hurried into the Blue Mountain Quarry.
Rheneas: But (Skarloey) I've been bumped again! Now, I have to get repainted.
You have to stop bumping into things, Rheneas! (laughs)
[Thomas whistles as he arrived]
Hello, guys!
Thomas: Where's Luke?
Luke: [rolls up] Hello, Thomas!
Thomas: Luke, we have wonderful news for you!
Skarloey: (shouting) What did you all do?!
[His voice silenced everyone]
Thomas: We.. We talked to Victor.
Luke: You talked to Victor?
Thomas: Yes. But….
Skarloey: We told you not to talk to the other engines.
Rheneas: And you all have.
Peter Sam: We thought you were our friend.
Luke: I thought you were my friends!
All the Narrow Gauge Engines: But you're not!
Thomas: It's not what you think!
Narrator: Suddenly, Diesel's horn echoed around the Blue Mountain Quarry.
Diesel: [appears with Paxton] Is that him? Are you the engine that pushes other engines into the sea? We've heard all about you.
Narrator: The narrow gauge engines rattled away from Thomas, Diesel and Paxton on the upper terraces of the quarry.
Thomas: Don't listen to Diesel. Let me explain!
Skarloey: No, Thomas. Don't explain anything. We can see what you have done.
Sir Handel: Go away, Thomas!
Thomas: Luke, don't chuff away from us. Please, listen!
Luke: I don't want to listen to you, ever again!
[He puffs angrily away]
Narrator: Thomas knew that his narrow-gauge friends thought he had let them down. They thought Thomas had let Luke down. That was worst of all. Thomas felt terrible.
[Skarloey glares at Thomas as Rusty reverses from Owen's platform, Diesel rolls up behind Thomas, grinning evilly]
Now, Sir Topham Hatt and Mr. Percival will sort your little friend out, once and for all. (Laughs evilly)
[Luke is still on the bridge]
Thomas: Luke! (whistles)
Diesel: Thomas? What are you doing?
Thomas: [whistles as he went over to Rocky] Rocky, please! Lift me onto Owen's platform. I have to talk to Luke.
Rocky: Well, I don't know, Thomas….
Thomas: Please, Rocky!
Rocky: (looking down and thinks for a sec reluctantly) Okay. If you say so. But hold tight, Thomas!
[Thomas as he lifts him]
Owen: What are you doing, Thomas? You're too heavy for my platform!
[Rocky dropped Thomas onto his platform]
Thomas: I need you to pull me up, Owen. I need to talk to Luke! I know you can do it. You're strong! Try your hardest!
Owen: Okay, Thomas! Going up! Next stop, the top of the hill!
[He starts to lift Thomas up his incline to the top of the hill]
Narrator: Tug by tug and turn by turn, Owen started to pull Thomas up the incline towards Luke.
Diesel: Come down, Luke! Thomas can't help you. We know what you've done. What you've done is bad. You'II have to leave Sodor. Sir Topham Hatt will make sure of that.
[Luke puffs off]
Thomas: Don't listen to him, Luke. We know what really happened.
Diesel: Paxton! Go and find Sir Topham Hatt. Tell him to come here.
Paxton: Oh, my!
Thomas: No, Paxton. Luke needs your help. Race to the Steamworks and get victor.
Paxton: Oh, my! Oh, my!
[Paxton reluctantly leaves]
[They nod and follow him]
Too bad, Thomas. You can't help your little friend now!
Thomas: Yes, I can, Diesel! Owen, you did it. Well done!
Owen: Top floor. Upper Terrace. Boulder Drop and Blondin Bridge.
Thomas: Luke! Luke!
Narrator: Thomas tried to race off to find Luke. But then there was trouble! His wheels were too big for the narrow-gauge tracks!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
[He wobbles towards some buffers at the edge of the cliff and crashes right through them and hangs over the edge onto his buffers along]
Oh, no!
[Rusty sees this and gasps]
Narrator: Thomas was in danger!
Thomas: Help! Help! Help! (whistles)
[Luke heard his calls and stops. Then, he went backwards and went to Thomas]
Diesel: Watch out, Thomas! He's going to push you all off now. Just like he did with that yellow engine.
Thomas: Oh, no!
Narrator: Engines waited. Engines watched Luke.
[Thomas saw him coming while trying not to wobble and fall off]
Thomas, don't worry! I'II pull you back to Owen.
Thomas: What?
[Luke's driver couple him to Thomas]
Trust me. I can do this. I'm your friend.
[He starts to pull Thomas back]
Thomas: Trembling tracks!
[Luke starting to lose his grip on Thomas' buffer beam in the nick of time]
[He starts to lose his grip]
Luke: Hold on, Thomas!
[He manages to pull Thomas, to safety]
Thomas: (laughs in relief) Thank you, Luke!
Narrator: Luke felt strong. Stronger than he had ever been. The engines whistled and cheered.
Skarloey: Well done, Luke!
Rheneas: Hooray!
Narrator: Even Merrick woke up!
Merrick: Very well done to all of you!
Thomas: Thank you, Luke!
Luke: It's all right, Thomas!
[Then, Owen's platform dropped suddenly a bit]
Rocky: Oh!
Thomas: Cinders and ashes!
Narrator: Owen was surprised.
Owen: Steady! Next stop…. You're too heavy!
Thomas and Luke: Whoa!
[The platform drops down very fast with Thomas, Luke, on it as Rusty, Rheneas and Peter Sam went to Owen and watched as their friends went down the incline to the bottom of the hill]
[Thomas and Luke landed at the bottom with a bump]
Thomas: Fizzling fireboxes!
Peter Sam, Rheneas and Rusty: Hooray!
Owen: Super!
Skarloey: Marvelous! (laughs)
[Thomas sighs]
Diesel: Humph!
[Then a car horn is heard from a distance]
Suddenly, they heard the strangest sound!
[Thomas and Luke look to see Sir Topham Hatt and the Mr. Percival arriving in Winston]
Sir Topham Hatt was cross!
Sir Topham Hatt: What is going on? Thomas! Whatever are you doing?
Thomas: I’m sorry, sir. I, uh…
Sir Topham Hatt: I told you to work on your branch line. But you're not! Toby is!
Thomas: I’m sorry, sir. I, uh…
Mr. Percival: Rocky! Bring those engines down from the unloading platform!
Rocky: Yes, sir. Right away, sir.
Diesel: I can explain, sir. That engine there is called Luke. He's a bad engine.
Narrator: Sir Topham Hatt stared first at Luke and then at Thomas.
It's not like that, sir.
[Paxton's horn is heard]
[Paxton appears pushing Victor on a well-wagon and stops behind Winston]
You brought Victor!
Sir Topham Hatt: Victor? What are you doing here?
Victor: Sir! I have come to meet an engine I have not seen for a very long time. His name is Luke.
Thomas: Victor, this is Luke.
Victor: Hello, Luke, my friend. It's been a very long time. You didn't push me, Luke. I slipped off the boat. My wheel chains were broken. It was an accident. It wasn't your fault.
Luke: [looked confused] But it can't be you! You're not a yellow engine. And you don't speak a different language.
Victor: (laughs then speaks in Spanish) Good morning, Luke. My name is Victor. It is a pleasure to see you again!
Luke: (gasps) That's the language!
Victor: That's right, my friend.
Luke: But the engine on the boat with me was yellow.
Victor: That's very true. I was yellow. But I was painted red when Sir Topham Hatt had me repainted.
Luke: You didn't go to the Smelter's Yard?
Victor: No. I stayed at the Steamworks. That's where I work. Come down to visit me. You can get a coat of paint, a polish, a brush…. You will be a new engine!
[Luke laughs and smiles]
Narrator: And for the 1st time, in a long, long, time, Luke was happy.
Rheneas: Speaking of paint, Victor, I've been talking to Skarloey about being repainted….
Skarloey: (coughs) Not now, Rheneas.
Mr. Percival: Luke, I am very happy to meet you. At last. Welcome to my railway!
[Luke blushes]
Sir Topham Hatt: It seems (Diesel) you did not find out the whole story before you caused confusion and delay. It is always important to find out what really happened. Because what really happened is what really matters.
Diesel: Yes, sir.
Sir Topham Hatt: Today is a very happy day for Mr. Percival and all his engines.
Luke: Thomas has made it a happy day, sir. They're my heroes! He's my friend!
[He whistles]
Sir Topham Hatt: Well done, Thomas. I am proud of you.
Thomas: Thank you, sir.
Sir Topham Hatt: And that is why I will forgive you for not working on your branch line.
Thomas: Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
Sir Topham Hatt: Mr. Percival, we must be very proud of all our engines.
Mr. Percival: Indeed. Very proud indeed. New ones and old ones. You are all….
Both: Really Useful engines!
[Everyone laugh as the engines whistled]
Narrator: And no engine whistled louder than Thomas and Luke!
[The engines cheered as the 2 friends smiled]
[The scene changes to a few days later at the Steamworks]
Narrator: A few days later, Thomas went to the Steamworks. Luke was there with Victor.
Luke: Hello, Thomas!
Thomas: Hello, Luke! Hello, Victor!
Hello, Thomas! I know you all have been looking for a yellow engine. Well, I think I found him!
[Thomas got confused]
Thomas, meet the yellow engine!
Rheneas: [now painted yellow; rolls out and whistles] Ta-da!